Accidents And Burns Levels

Burns can be excruciatingly painful and require extensive treatments and long hospital stays. When burns are severe, victims can require surgery and rehabilitation. If an infection or secondary condition develops during the healing process, recovery can be even more complex.
If you or someone you love suffered burn injuries as a result of a workplace accident or car crash, you need an experienced burn injury lawyer on your side. Securing a full and fair settlement amount is a path to paying extensive medical expenses and holds a liable person or entity accountable. Connect with a Long Island personal injury lawyer and share your story.
First, Second, and Third Degree Burns
Accidents resulting in burns can be car accidents or accidents on worksites, such as jobs in commercial kitchens or construction sites, for example. Burns from hot fluids, chemicals, hot surfaces, and electricity are all possible.
Medical burn teams assign a degree level to a burn when an individual shows up at a hospital or burn center. Assigning a level can then let a team know the level of treatment that could be required.
- First degree burns: A minor burn that does not require medical care, is usually categorized as a first-degree burn. While these burns can be painful, they can typically heal with home care.
- Second degree burns: Second-degree burns do need medical care, as they are more serious. There could be blistering, or maybe more than one skin layer has been impacted. A main risk with a second degree burn is blisters breaking. When this happens, wound infections are possible.
- Third degree burns: When burns impact the skin deeper than the first two layers, it is a third degree burn. Skin grafts or other forms of wound closure may be needed.
The circumstances, essentially how the burns occurred, will also be assessed when a treatment plan is put in place.
Assessing Legal Liability
Determining who is legally liable for a burn injury can be complex. For example, there could be more than one person or entity that contributed to the accident. If the harm was through a car crash, it is likely that insurance companies will be involved in the process.
Victims need guidance when they are focused on healing and still trying to navigate the complexities of insurance negotiations and personal injury law. After a New York burn injury, discuss the details of your situation with a burn injury attorney. Recovering from an accident and healing from skin grafts, plastic surgery, and possible health complications is not easy. You need support. Talk to a Long Island personal injury lawyer today.
Were you hospitalized due to a Long Island burn injury? You need a personal injury lawyer working for you. Together, we can assess your expenses and develop a strategy to secure your best compensation option. With over 30 years of legal experience, our legal team represents clients throughout Long Island and the five boroughs of New York City. Don’t delay, contact Giuffré Law Offices at 516-802-9912 to discuss your case today.