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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


A Variety Of Activities Lead To Whiplash Injuries

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

If you have seen a character in a movie or on television fake a whiplash injury to try and get a large settlement, you are not alone. But whiplash injuries can be extremely painful. It is not true that people simply put on a neck brace and pretend to be suffering. When a person… Read More »

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How To Feel Comfortable Driving After A Crash

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

For many car accident victims, they do not feel at ease driving after the traumatic event. Sometimes this is because they were injured in the crash; for others, too much emotional distress is connected to driving. Even for individuals who do choose to drive, they may avoid the area where the crash happened because… Read More »

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Long-Lasting Impacts Are Possible After A Car Accident

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

Vehicular accidents can happen instantly, but a car collision’s physical, emotional, and financial impact can last for years following the event. When people are severely injured, medical treatments can be ongoing and, an inability to work can last a lifetime. Accidents involving fatalities leave many families unsure of how to move forward. Talk to… Read More »

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Medical Errors Are Possible When Doctors Are Exhausted

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

While they have years of schooling and training to guide their decision-making, the reality is doctors are human beings and sometimes they make mistakes. Errors can lead to harm for patients and their families. When injuries happen, there are paths to compensation. Every doctor and healthcare provider has a duty to provide patients with… Read More »

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New York Golf Cart Claims

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

Many people find a day on the golf course to be a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend time. But there are times when a friendly game goes wrong, particularly if there is a golf cart accident. There can be severe injuries when a golf cart loses control, particularly if a person is pinned,… Read More »

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Accidents And A Post-Concussion Syndrome Diagnosis

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

When you suffer a blow or strike to your head, a concussion is possible. This could happen during a car accident, either through the whiplash motion of impact or a direct blow to the head against a hard surface. Post-concussion syndrome is when someone experiences symptoms past a normal recovery time frame. If you… Read More »

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Cost Of A Lawyer And Recovery Amounts

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

If you are coping with accident injuries and the financial and emotional fall out of a New York auto collision, you may be unsure where to turn. Stress can extend for months or years and many individuals are not sure they could even handle lawyer fees on top of all of the bills they… Read More »

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Why Is My Car Insurance Going Up?

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

After a New York car accident, there are many things to consider. One thing that may be on your mind is if there will be a hike in your car insurance rate. In many instances, it won’t as there are restrictions on when insurance companies can raise rates. In New York, if your collision… Read More »

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Rain And Wet Roads Create Risks

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

When you live on Long Island, you know there are many beautiful, sun-filled days to be out and about. Many enjoy rainy days too, either for long walks with umbrellas or staying inside and watching a storm from the safety of your own home. But if you have somewhere to go that requires car… Read More »

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What Happens If I Was Injured In My Condo Building?

By Giuffré Law Offices, P.C. |

There are many reasons why individuals, couples, and families decide a condominium is an optimal housing choice. For many, condos are an opportunity to buy a property at a price they can afford. Plus, they may have attractive amenities and can free busy professionals from upkeep concerns such as gardening and snow removal as… Read More »

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