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Long Island Accident Lawyer > Valley Stream Dog Bite Lawyer

Valley Stream Dog Bite Lawyer

Being bitten by a dog is not only a frightening experience, but can also be extremely dangerous, as dog bites are notorious for becoming infected, causing significant pain, and often leading to severe scarring and disfigurement. Treating these kinds of injuries is usually expensive, especially for serious bites, which can be particularly frustrating for those who were attacked by someone else’s poorly trained or overly aggressive animal. Fortunately, dog owners who fail to restrain their animals can be held liable under New York law if their animals cause someone else to sustain an injury, so if you were bitten, or otherwise injured by someone else’s dog, please call one of our experienced Valley Stream dog bite lawyers to learn more about seeking compensation for your losses.

Liability for Injuries Caused by Dangerous Dogs

In New York, when someone’s dog bites or injures another person, the animal’s owner can be held strictly liable for medical bills and treatment costs, but only if the animal is deemed dangerous. To qualify as a dangerous dog, an animal must have:

  • Attacked and injured a person or pet without justification; or
  • Behaved in a way that would cause a reasonable person to believe that the animal posed a serious and imminent threat of physical injury.

As long as a dog is considered to be dangerous, its owner can be held liable for any injuries it causes even if there is no proof of negligence on the owner’s part. For other expenses, however, a dog bite victim will need to provide evidence that a dog’s owner failed to use reasonable care to control the animal, despite knowing about its aggressive or violent nature.

There are a number of ways to prove that an owner knew that his or her dog was dangerous. A record of earlier bites, for instance, is strong evidence that an owner knew of a dog’s aggressive propensities. Just because a dog has never bitten anyone on a prior occasion does not, however, mean that an injured party is out of luck. Instead, he or she can still prove that an animal was dangerous by providing evidence that a dog had tried to bite people in the past, regularly snarled or growled at pedestrians, or has attacked other animals.

Dog Bite Defenses

Dog owners can avoid liability for any injuries caused by their animal if:

  • The animal was a law enforcement dog that was carrying out is duties;
  • The animal was protecting its home against a trespasser or someone who was committing a crime on the owner’s property;
  • The dog was protecting its owner, itself, or its puppies;
  • The dog was reacting to pain at the time of the injury; or
  • The animal was provoked, tormented, or abused by the person who was bitten.

If none of these defenses apply in your own case, you could be entitled to damages for your dog bite injuries. Please call our office today to learn more.

Set Up an Initial Case Review Today

If you were bitten or injured by someone else’s dog, you may be unsure of your next steps. Please call the experienced Valley Stream dog bite lawyers at Giuffre Law Offices, P.C. to learn more about seeking compensation for your dog bite-related injuries. We can be reached at 516-802-9912 or via online message.

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